How To Trust Yourself
Health Is PowHer Podcast Episode 79
how to trust yourself health is PowHer
Trust was my word of the year back in 2021, because for so long, I always looked up to other people for advice and leadership.
Thinking they were in the right and that I must follow their successes instead of my own. Trusting in yourself is giving the power back to you - listening to your inner truth and higher self to create what you’ve been destined for all along. Because you are the only person in this world with your unique talents and gifts.
And this episode is all about bringing light to your amazing self - building self-confidence and faith in oneself to share your love and truth with the world.
We are surrounded by demands and guidance from our co-workers, bosses, leaders, husbands, wives and friends. Sometimes, we give up our autonomy to these individuals, either because it’s easier, or we think we’re not good enough as them. They have their opinions and demands of you, that might not match your well-being.
Our self-esteem and confidence go the wayside when this happens leaving us without our own energy to sustain us. It’s like we’re giving up our energy to everyone else and not keeping any to ourselves.Trusting yourself is about having faith in yourself, setting boundaries so you can manage your energy better, and believing in the magic in your veins. The more you trust yourself, the more energy you have to be your authentic true self and live your truth. You start to listen to your body more, decrease overwhelm and feelings of being frazzled and exhausted.Sometimes, we lack trust because of our own experiences causing limiting beliefs. “I’ve never had money, so I never will.” “I always get sick.” “I never develop healthy friendships or relationships.”
We also lack trust because sometimes we want to hide due to feeling ashamed and let others take control over us. We may constantly criticize ourselves for not being enough and making mistakes and feeling stupid. We constantly worry about what others think about us and what they’ll say about us behind our backs.
So, how do we trust ourselves again when we’ve made so many mistakes in the past and haven’t been successful enough to express our true selves?
Set the intention to heal the rift between your true authentic self and the shaming “ego”
Start a journal of self-compassion thoughts and intentions that you need to give yourself time to heal and make the connection with your higher self and spirit stronger than the mind or the ego that makes you think otherwise.
Practice mindfulness or a meditation healing exercise to shine light to the parts of yourself that remain hidden deep down within.
2. Practice self-compassion
Love yourself like you have given to others. You may have dropped everything for your friends or spouses or colleagues, but when have you given yourself time and love and energy. Feel amazed by all that you are.Write down your strengths. All of them. Just let it flow onto the paper. And read it over and over again to reinforce the fact that you are such a phenomenal human being and you deserve to express yourself.
3. Say “No” more and set boundaries
Trusting yourself starts with making sure you manage your energy better. And that means setting boundaries so you can have more time and energy to yourself instead of giving it to everyone else.
This is so “key” and one of the first steps to trusting yourself more. It’s how I learned when I did everything my friends wanted me to do, even though I was tired, just off physician call and had to support them by helping them move or listen to their relationship problems over and over again when they would never take my advice or get help and that’s all they wanted to do was just complain and wallow. ANd it was exhausting!!
And that’s when I learned how to say “no” and I got to spend more time doing the things I love, resting and taking naps, and going to bed early to get refreshing sleep.
I was soo worried about what they’d do when I said “no” to my friends and not be there for them when they needed me, but it was pure bliss. It was okay if I let them go, it was more of a one-way friendship anyway. They took and took and took, and I gave and gave and gave. There was little energy left for me.
4. Calm the negative thoughts about yourself
We all berate ourselves at some point in our lives, but often the negative self-talk unfortunately can lead to disastrous consequences. Negative self-talk encourages the “ego” that makes us fear more, cause anxiety, anger, and even depression. This can send us into a downward emotional spiral unless we stop those thoughts early. And this where your awareness comes in. The practice of mindfulness is all about paying attention to these thoughts while not reacting. It’s okay to be aware of the negative self-talk, “Ugh, why did I sound so stupid during that conversation. I can never speak well.” Listen to the ego, breathe through it, and visualize in your mind’s eye putting it away in a box, shoving it in the back of your closet and even setting it on fire.
First, surrender to the thought. Heal it. Then let it go. Release what no longer serves you.
5. Accept that you are here on this Earth to grow and learn and strengthen your spirit, your higher self
All the mistakes and all the experiences we’ve had, happened for a reason. So that your spirit can grow. Be incredibly compassionate toward yourself. We are all just here to learn, connect, and share our love and gifts with each other. Everyone struggles at some point. And you can get through difficult circumstances. You can do hard things. You will make mistakes. Not everyone will like you. But as long as you remain true to yourself, everything works out in its place.