Unlocking and Claiming Your Superpowers For Deep Healing with Heather Fischer-Page, Quantum Human Design Specialist

Heather Fischer-Page is a Quantum Human Design™ Specialist and Certified Energy Healing Practitioner, used Human Design to finally align with her life's purpose and how you can too!

Human Design/Quantum Human Design™ helps you connect with who you are in this world. Knowing and then aligning with your type, strategy, authority and understanding your own unique superpowers allows you clarity. It then unlocks your ability de-condition from any unconscious patterns you may have held onto from a place of protection and others' expectations.

Heather talks about her own journey back to health through releasing old patterns and emotional triggers. She turned her pain into her purpose to help support others to recreate a new narrative and shift energetic patterns to reveal the true YOU!

I'm so excited to introduce Heather to you! And you can check more out on her website at:


She also has her own podcast: The Integra Podcast 

Spotify Link: https://open.spotify.com/show/0udBfVnqJbwEYqsQTgZQxZ?si=d14a802687904c14

And you can find her on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/integraholisticwellness/



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