End Suffering and Start Thriving with Divine Trust by Author, Dr. Nancy Wiley
Divine Trust Dr. Nancy Wiley Health Is PowHer
Health Is PowHer Podcast Episode 88
Dr. Nancy Wiley, a super smart woman who graduated from Columbia University to become an Orthondontist for 27 years, is now here on Health Is PowHer to share her inspirational and spiritual truths in her new book,
A Practical Guide to End Your Suffering and Find Your Way Home
Divine Trust Health Is PowHer
At the age of 12, Dr. Nancy Wiley became fascinated by how certain people seemingly manifest things into their lives --when she manifested a beautiful thoroughbred jumper for herself.
After reading The Power of Your Subconscious Mind just a few short years later, she began to understand how she had manifested her own horse that she always wanted.
Simultaneously, she also began a lifelong practice of meditation, includingTranscendental Meditation, Holosync (brain waive entrainment), and guided meditations with many teachers, including Jeddah Mali, her most treasured teacher, to whom she attributes the attainment of Unity Consciousness.
With her continuing experience and ever-growing confidence in navigating through her inner realm, she was able to reach a state whereby she no longer suffers, no matter what life presents. Her Trust in Source has become unshakeable.
From direct experience, she is now absolutely certain that there is a Divine Presence that wants everyone to know It and Trust It. As a scientist, she has used the field of Quantum Physics to lend a left-brained understanding to what her profound peak spiritual experiences were and how they were possible.
After witnessing what she considered a miracle --when her mother was instantly healed from an advanced stage of breast cancer --Dr. Wiley subsequently became a Reiki Master. She now practices many other forms of energy medicine, some of which include EFT (Tapping), Spring Forest Qigong, and Diamond Feng Shui.
In this episode, she discusses how she was guided to write this book, The Divine Trust. To give you the message that you are protected, safe, loved and that everything is unfolding to support you right this very moment.
There wouldn’t be any worry, anger, frustration, misery, guilt, shame or any of the other negative emotions, suffering and mind loops that disturb your sense of peace, gratitude, success, wonder and love.
And it's all about trusting yourself, your divine spirit, so that you can journey through this life at peace!
You can order her book HERE and get her goodies at DivineTrustBook.Com that go along with the book when you buy!
She has an amazing Masterclass if you want to learn more from her:
Master Class: The Seekers Journey/ Living Life with Ease and Grace
We are all on a journey whether we know it or not. But chances are that if you are reading these words, you already are aware and you have many questions about life.
Wouldn’t it be great if we had a mentor who could guide us along our path, a person to go to ask questions especially when we are just starting out? I know I wished I had a mentor like this, someone to go to who had figured out many answers to the questions of life. That is why I am have made available a 3 part, one-hour forum that was prerecorded in June of 2022.
Here is what we will be discussing:
Understanding the design of life to explain the meaning of current events and why they are happening.
How these events might bring fear and anxiety and what you can do to lessen your fear.
Understanding the foundation of all spiritual practices, miss this one step and you will be building your foundation on shaky ground. Once you get it, you will have a firm ground from which to build your life.
Listening to your own intuition and trusting yourself enough to make better decisions for your own life.
Through both a short explanation and then a question-and-answer segment, you will leave with a much better understanding of why events unfold as they do. You may be able to breath a little easier and even feel or sense the grace of life. All are welcome! And All are held in a safe and peaceful place! The only prerequisite is an open heart and willingness to see things differently than you have in the past.
Dr. Nancy Wiley's Website:
Dr. Nancy Wiley's Social Media Links: Follow her Below!
Our Brain Health Integrative Guide is gone, to make room for a FREE Integrative Wellness Course Module on "How To Aromatherapy for Women's Wellness".
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Link Below:
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Be on the lookout for the foundational coaching masterclasses this coming new year!
And for those of you ready to heal from a chronic condition, we will have your advanced master coaching program coming soon for Menopause, PCOS, Endometriosis, Pelvic Pain, Hormone Regulation, Autoimmune Disease, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and More!
We will be launching one of these come 2022, so be on the lookout or email us at hello@healthispowher.com to get on the list!
Anna Esparham, M.D.is a medical doctor, but she is not your doctor, and she is not offering medical advice on this podcast. If you are in need of professional advice or medical care, you must seek out the services of your own doctor or health care professional. The opinions of podcast guests are not necessarily those of Dr. Esparham, MD and Health Is PowHer, LLC and do not represent her or the company.
This podcast provides information only, and does not provide any financial, legal, medical or psychological services or advice. None of the content on this podcast prevents, cures or treats any mental or medical condition. You are responsible for your own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results. Health Is PowHer, LLC disclaims any liability for your reliance on any opinions or advice contained in this podcast.
Hi friends, I'm looking for women who have struggled with chronic pain, fibromyalgia, or chronic illness. You have dreams of living a normal life again, free of pain and illness. You want to have energy and feel refreshed when you wake up each morning. You want to spend time with your loved ones. You're into spiritual growth and personal development and may have dabbled in meditation. You have sought support groups and answers to your healing. If this sounds like you, I would be so GRATEFUL if you could take my survey so I can better serve you!