How to Reset Your Energy When You Feel Drained
Podcast Episode 75 with Dr. Anna Esparham, MD
Reset Energy Drain
Don’t you feel exhausted by the end of the week or on the weekend after a week of stress, worry, conflict, or even doing things that don’t light your inner fire. That’s why many of us feel so tired – because we’re pulled in multiple directions, giving away more of our energy to others, healing them instead of ourselves.
Anxiety can be a symptom of this energy drain. When we are worrying about a situation, another person, we are giving our energy away to that situation or person. When we ruminate over how another person thinks of us, we are giving our energy away to that person.
I remember getting so upset over a colleague who is a bit of a bully, takes credit for other people’s work, manipulates others, and sends belligerent emails. My thoughts that whole week were consumed with how to deal with this difficult person. And what’s interesting is that I started getting more tired by the end of the week, and had to take more naps than ever on the weekend just to recover.
I was letting my energy be siphoned off into that relationship - leaving me feeling depleted. I finally had to meditate (for several days) allowing forgiveness and healing to take over that situation. I gave it up to God and let him dish out the karma if necessary.
Creative visualization is an amazing tool to use every day to help maintain your energy levels. In fact, it has been studied through hypnosis as a tool to change our own biochemical/physiologic processes in our body. To decrease pain, improve performance, and decrease anxiety.
Cutting off the cord that siphons off your energy is one creative visualization to shield yourself from being drained. Imagine a cord of energy between you and the situation or person you are concerned or anxious about. And then visualize the destruction of that cord - bursting it into a thousand pieces, letting it dissolve into the ether. Cutting it with a giant pair of scissors - reeling it back to the other person or situation so it doesn’t bother you again. There are so many ways to destroy the cord - whatever way feels right to you.
Some people visualize their cloud of energy enmeshed with another person’s - like a Venn diagram. You can separate your cloud of energy from the other person by blowing a windstorm or simply moving the cloud away from the other person in your mind’s eye.
Grounding yourself is another way to release foreign energies (energy that’s not your own). I envision sitting on a mountain (or in a very earthy place) to connect my energy with the Earth’s energy - all the way down to its molten core. I release all energy that is not my own into the Earth to dissipate and rush back to its original owner. And afterward, I imagine Earth’s energy run up the cord into my chakras from the root chakra to the sacral chakra to the solar plexus and on up - clearing out any debris, energy that’s blocked connecting with God from above.
Those are just a few visualization techniques as part of my daily hypnosis that I use to release what no longer serves me.
Let us know what you use to keep your energy as vibrant as possible every single day!