Choosing Love Over Fear
Podcast Episode 66
with Dr. Anna Esparham, MD
faith love over fear
I wanted to discuss how the fear, anxiety, and stress has permeated through our very bones - our culture, society, our nation, and the world these last two years.
We have become afraid of others- fear of them breathing on us, fear of them leaving germs behind on door handles and surfaces.
The anxiety that physically manifests from others not wearing masks. Even fear of our family members who haven’t gotten vaccinated because they knew someone hurt by a vaccine. Or perhaps they no longer trust the pharmaceutical companies after they’ve learned of so many whistleblower lawsuits and corruption of manipulating the statistics in clinical trials.
And this fear leads to anger, hate, disgust, and madness inside us, violence towards others, the dissipation of relationships that once thrived, and ultimately, the ending of love.
And then there are physicians and providers and nurses and staff who have made so many sacrifices to take care of patients and help families during this unknown and scary time of catching a contagious disease.
They have worked incredibly hard to educate themselves so they can be prepared to discuss with families and patients about prevention, vaccination, treatment, and what to do when exposed.
We have dealt with worsening rates of suicide and homicide amongst our own patients and even physician colleagues.
So many healthcare professionals and staff are leaving the field in droves leaving us without adequate staff to get our patients the necessary medications and prior authorizations.
Fighting fight the good fight against insurance companies not wanting to cover a life-saving medication or therapy for a child who could subsequently have long-term brain damage without it.
And all the while, people become more angry. Fear begets fear. And the cycle perpetuates itself -because deep down we're just afraid. And who gets the brunt of the anger in this situation? When a child can't get their medications? This unrelenting cycle of pain. The anger must come out at someone. And in my experience, their anger is taken out on the nurses, the providers, the people.
And an unfortunate, appalling narrative has just come out this last week - the American Board of Pediatrics, Family Medicine, and Internal Medicine along with my medical organization, the American Academy of Pediatrics struck fear and shame in the hearts of tens of thousands of physicians.
Despite all that we've gone through these last two years.
They stated that we will lose our license if we provide any “misinformation” whatsoever regarding COVID vaccination.
This came at a time when the research is constantly changing and growing, and leaves us even more scared, ashamed, and guilty of something that we have not done.
Striking even more fear into the hearts of these human beings who have helped thousands of patients during this most difficult time.
Fear leads to division, fear leads to anger, fear leads to hate, fear leads to violence.
But love...
Love always wins over fear.
Connecting with others and spreading love and light is our true purpose in life.
Fear tears us apart, both as a collective and as an individual.
Love is about understanding the unique experiences of each human.
An example: A woman physician who has school-aged children is exhausted from working 70 hr weeks, volunteering at the American Academy of Pediatrics to advance the lives of children and their well-being, while home schooling her children who can’t understand their math homework b/c the teachers don’t know how to educate virtually… And then she falls behind and can’t keep up with the “information” on COVID and immunizations.
Does this condemn her if she speaks wrong or outdated information to patients? She will now ultimately lose her license, her life, her livelihood, her passion to help sick children become well again. And ultimately the American Board of Pediatrics, Family Medicine, and Internal Medicine are damaging these individuals’ lives, just by stating that each one of us will lose our license if we speak out of turn or mistakenly provide one bit of misinformation - vague as this statement is.
Not to mention the constant increases in fees and maintenance of certification that becomes financially too expensive for us physicians - especially pediatricians who make the least salary in the entire profession because we are do-gooders and we are going to take it ---- when it may not add any improvement to our patient outcomes because of the poor educational material. But the board must make money. While we continue to sacrifice our finances, our time, our energy, our lives for them. So we can continue to heal others.
It is time to let go of this unfortunate fear mongering narrative and promote love, reward, encouragement, empowerment, gratitude, and appreciation for those trying their best to help others. And it comes from all of us to stop the fear. The power of all of us together. Choosing a path that maintains our integrity, supports our truth, and empowers us to heal through love and light, not anger, hate, or madness (all the emotions that mask the fear and grief deep within us).
So please speak your truth which is the energy of love within you.
Don't let the fear cause reckless emotions that could damage others and, ultimately, one's own self-growth and spiritual development on this earth.
Choose love. Love will lead you on a path of well-being. Making choices out of love is always the right one, not out of fear.
Because Love Always Wins.