Acupressure May Benefit Pain, Menstrual Cramps, Insomnia, and Nausea

Health Is PowHer Podcast Episode 61

With Dr. Anna Esparham, MD

Acupressure is a type of acupuncture that does not use any needles, but rather applying some type of pressure with a hand, finger, thumb, or even seed, pellet, or magnet, or cool devices that are sold now to the public. The typical duration for acupressure is generally 3 minutes, but can vary depending on the person. 

While acupuncture has stronger evidence in terms of its healing efficacy for specific conditions, acupressure still has its place amongst several studies.

Acupressure sends impulses to the brain according to the Gate Control Theory at a rate that is faster than the pain stimulus.  So when you hit your elbow on that door, you rub it and the pain diminishes. Well that’s “acupressure” applying the Gate Control Theory so the pain impulse doesn’t get to the brain as quickly. 

Several studies have found that acupressure modulates pain and endocrine functions. 

So what does the research say currently about acupressure?

Acupressure and Women’s Health:

Acupressure may benefit a wide variety of menstrual and pregnancy-related problems, including a small benefit for pelvic pain, labor pain, overactive bladder, lower back ache during pregnancy, and of course menstrual cramps.  LI4 and SP6 were two acupressure points that helped women with labor pain, and SP6 and SP8 helped women with menstrual cramps.  KI21 and MH6 or PC6 has been found to reduce nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. 

Acupressure and Men’s Health:

Acupressure has been studied for men’s sexual health with CV6 or Ren-6 and BL31-BL34 helping with erectile dysfunction, infertility, bladder issues, or prostatitis. 

Acupressure for Nausea and Vomiting:

MH6 or PC6 has been a common point studied when undergoing chemotherapy to help reduce nausea, vomiting, and anxiety, as well as motion sickness.  There are also sea-bands or acupressure wrist bands that have been bought by some of my patients that they report help with their motion sickness or nausea. 

Acupressure for Insomnia:

There has been some small benefit for acupressure at HT7 for individuals with sleep disorders. 

Acupressure for Weight Loss:

Acupressure has been studied along with cognitive behavioral therapy to improve the lifestyle of individuals with obesity. There also is an auricular acupressure protocol that  has been studied adjunctively to help control BMI in individuals struggling with excess weight. 


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