How to Get Better Deep Sleep and Wake Up Refreshed with Dr. Audrey Wells, Super Sleep MD
This is an ABSOLUTE MUST LISTEN podcast episode if you value your energy, your sleep cycle, and your optimal well-being.
Dr. Audrey Wells, MD is a wealth of the newest and evidence-based information on how to truly feel refreshed and improve sleep to improve chronic health issues, including chronic pain! A big one for me.
She discusses how women present with sleep apnea differently, and how it can easily be missed! So we have to pay attention to the symptoms including the more subtle symptoms of just some minor memory changes, a little bit more fatigue, and trouble concentrating. Plus, some of the home tests can't detect our smaller drops in blood oxygen compared to men.
We even talk about acid reflux and how it is associated with sleep apnea! There's so much many of us don't know about how sleep is so important and connected to every health issue.
Dr. Wells, MD helps so many people with sleep apnea who need to use the CPAP but struggle with acclimating to the CPAP treatment. So she uses her mindset coaching techniques to lower that internal resistance!
She talks about how sleep lowers our pain thresholds and also increases INFLAMMATION!
We review the importance of obtaining iron levels and iron storage called ferritin labs in order to make sure we get restful sleep. Because without enough iron (ferritin = 80) then we may not be in for a good night's sleep.
Dr. Wells, MD discusses several supplements, including melatonin and magnesium and how to use those appropriately (it's a bit different than we may have been taught).
And she also reviews my favorite: Blue Light Blockers and what kind to get that actually works! Hint, they are super orange and do not need to be that expensive.
Dr. Wells offers some great action steps and quick tips on how to get better and deeper sleep, more refreshing sleep, so you wake up energized the WHOLE day.
I'm so excited for you all to listen to this episode. It's jam packed with everything SLEEP.
Dr. Wells is a sleep medicine physician and certified mindset coach on a mission to help people sleep better so they can feel more awake and alive all day long. She offers a group coaching program and a private Facebook community for those struggling with sleep apnea and treatment, including CPAP. She also does individual coaching for those who want to uplevel their productivity and potential by taking “too tired” out of the equation.
Her sleep program is launching soon, so check her out and join today! Check out her links below. She's a must if you have sleep apnea and need the BEST sleep to recover and thrive.
Facebook Sleep Apnea Private Group: Super Sleep MD: A CPAP and Sleep Apnea Community with Dr. Wells |...
Make Friends With Your CPAP Course:
Coming January/February 2023!
Sleep for Teens Coaching Program!!!
Email us at If you think your teen needs help with their sleep, as we're launching our sleep coaching program just for adolescents this coming January/February 2023!
We can only take so many due to the nature of the group coaching program, but your teens will be coached by two top pediatric integrative medicine physicians in the country, as well as one who got the NIH federally-funded grant on sleep interventions for teens!! These are evidence-based tools to help your teen thrive at school, perform well on exams, and go throughout the day without any daytime drowsiness, concentration, or focus issues!!
These are tried and true sleep methods for teens, so get your child's SPOT today!
And as our team is growing, we are launching our first faith-based headache and migraine coaching program for women (and a separate one just for teens!!) this coming February 2023. If you want to learn more, contact us through the form on the website, or email us at, or set up a time to schedule a call with us below! Plus, your coach team consists of two physicians, one board-certified neurologist and headache physician, and one triple-board certified physician/headache doc with a multitude of clinical and personal experience with pain and headaches!
I'm now offering a FREE Call with ME for women who are finally ready to heal themselves from chronic pain and autoimmune symptoms that's holding them back from moving their bodies freely and having enough energy to do all the things they love again!
Go to our website and sign up here! Judgement and commitment FREE!
Ideal Life Without Pain Quiz:
If you are a woman who has struggled with chronic pain, headaches, pelvic pain, or fibromyalgia. If you have dreams of living a normal life again, free of pain and illness. If you want to have energy and feel refreshed when you wake up each morning. If you want to spend time with your loved ones. If you're into spiritual growth and personal development and may have dabbled in meditation. If you have sought support groups and answers to your healing. If this sounds like you, I would be so GRATEFUL if you could take my survey so I can better serve you! and if you leave your e-mail, you'll get a free discovery call with me, Dr. Anna, MD
Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to rate and review us on this podcast platform so we can continue reaching like-minded women!
Drop us a comment or like on instagram @Health_Is_PowHer and facebook @HealthIsPowHer
Anna Esparham, a medical doctor, but she is not your doctor, and she is not offering medical advice on this podcast. If you are in need of professional advice or medical care, you must seek out the services of your own doctor or health care professional.
This podcast provides information only, and does not provide any financial, legal, medical or psychological services or advice. None of the content on this podcast prevents, cures or treats any mental or medical condition. You are responsible for your own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results. Health Is PowHer, LLC disclaims any liability for your reliance on any opinions or advice contained in this podcast.