Autoimmune Freedom Academy

An 8 Week Coaching Program following Dr. Anna’s “Immune EmpowHered” 5-Step Framework so that you can have the energy to do the things you love again.

Autoimmune disease holding you back from living the life you want?

The fatigue is relentless. The fear of not knowing when the next flare will happen is anxiety provoking. You can’t work as much as you used to, and you definitely don’t have the energy to do the things you love. 

You’ve been doing all the right things, taking your medicine, following up with specialists. Maybe changed your diet, your sleep habits, and rest more. But it’s not enough. Your quality of life has diminished, your immune system is not what it used to be, and you are living in constant worry of getting sick. 

You have asked for help and if there’s anything else that can be done, but meet resistance or maybe just a simple, NO.  That you’ll just have to live with it and that’s the best there is.

There is a way OUT

You can heal from autoimmune disease

I know because I was there.

✔️ I took the medicines and steroids, but could barely get through the day.

✔️ I fought, I searched, and I asked for help.

✔️ Conventional medicine wasn’t offering me the help I needed so I found integrative and functional medicine and all the estranged therapies.

✔️ I met with one of the best doctors in integrative and functional medicine.

✔️ We changed my diet and nutrition and tried several different integrative therapies.

And I got through medical school and residency. I felt better. I was healing. But I still relied on the autoimmune medications. And this time, I thought, if I can get myself 30-40% better, maybe I can get to 100%. 

And so, I began more extensive training.  I learned psychoanalysis and therapy and found a spiritual mentor who taught me meditation and ultimately, medical intuition and how to heal myself.

I took more advanced courses in spirituality, medical intuition, clairvoyant healing, meditation, hypnosis, and mindset. I met with several specialists and connected and networked. 

I had a severe autoimmune disease that nearly destroyed most endocrine glands in my body and left me with chronic infections during MEDICAL SCHOOL and RESIDENCY no less!  

And then, I noticed I could wean off the steroids. 

✔️ I wasn’t crashing like I used to. I didn’t get sick like I used to.

✔️ I didn’t end up in the hospital with shock after a simple stomach flu. 

✔️ I had more energy. I didn’t have to sleep 18 hrs a day anymore. 

✔️ I finally started feeling like myself. Strong and vibrant again.

And knew without a doubt, that all that I had gone through and experienced and learned – after all that hardship, I understood.

That You Have More Pow(Her) Than You Know to Heal Yourself

I would love to be there for you.

I have taken decades of what I’ve learned and experienced into my 5-step healing framework “Immune Empow(Her)ed” to share with you, so you can feel better, have more energy, and live the life you want free from autoimmune disease limiting you. 

Client Success Stories

Ready to live your life without autoimmune disease holding you back?

If you’re a woman ready to fully live your life to its true potential, put in the work to prioritize yourself, heal your mind, body, and spirit to break free from autoimmune flares and symptoms, then Autoimmune Freedom Academy is for you. I would love to be there for you.

“Immune EmpowHered” 5-Step Framework

Step 1: Temple Wisdom

In this step you’re going to understand your body on a much deeper level and why you’re having autoimmunity so you can start to shift how your immune system works. We’ll also go over how to be your own advocate for your health so you can start to feel heard and understood by your health care professionals & receive the best help moving forward.

Step 2: Awaken Your Best Self

In this step you’re going to understand your mind and relationships on a deeper level so you can connect to your true authentic self and the person that’s buried deep within you. When we do this work together you’ll feel more joy in your life, you’ll get sick less often and you’ll heal much faster.

Step 3: Intuitive PowHer

In this step you’re going to dive deep into the energetic work so you can start manifesting your desires for your physical body and future. I’ll be sharing several meditation tools and energy practices that will help you more fully believe that you can start to see the healing unfold in your life.

Step 4: Inside Out Healing

In this step we’ll work on rebuilding your gut health and using nutrition to decrease inflammation and pain in your body so we can expedite the healing process faster than you ever thought was possible since you were diagnosed.

Step 5: Body Transformation

In this step we’re going to begin balancing your sleep cycle, hormone access, and nervous system as these are the 3 major elements of immune health. Once we address these imbalances you’ll be able to move your body freely again and start to live that life you didn’t think was possible again.

You Will Get:

• 8 Group Coaching Zoom Sessions

• Two 15-min touch bases

• One 1:1 coaching call with me, Dr. Anna, MD

• Nutrition, Brain Health, Gut Health, Hormone Health, and Aromatherapy Modules

• Our very own private FB community support group with so much love and support from like-minded women

X If you are interested in someone doing all the work for you…

X If you believe you truly can’t heal and can’t feel better…

X If you don’t want to grow in all aspects of your life….

X If you don’t want to show up, take action, and stay engaged in your healing journey…

Then this program is not for you.

Who is this program NOT for?

Questions women with Autoimmune Disease ask before joining Autoimmune Freedom Academy

  • I remember juggling 4 jobs and studying for several courses all at ONCE! As a physician no less! So I understand that we are all busy, that’s why I’ve made the group coaching calls work around most schedules and provide all recordings and materials available.

  • I have spent most of my money and time (tens of thousands of dollars and years of my life) finally figuring out how to truly heal. So, you don’t have to go through the same thing.

    I offer payment plans that fit most people’s needs. If you’re hesitating based on cost, ask yourself what does it cost you if you don’t break free from the limitations of chronic autoimmune disease? What is the impact in your life if you don’t heal from chronic fatigue and autoimmune flares?

  • I teach you all the tools for nervous system safety, grounding, and preparation for different therapies that will help you release what no longer serves you and manifest the health and life that you want. Don’t worry, I couldn’t meditate either!

Just ask yourself, what would life be like when you can…

Go for long walks and hike in nature

Walk your dogs with your family

Feel energized and lift up your kids and play

Spend time with your grandkids

Have amazing sex with your spouse or partner

Travel without flares

Exercise again without fear of feeling like a train hit you

Excel at work or even get back to work

It’s all possible. Imagine your potential. Maybe it’s scary to hit this button below. But this may be the first step to you finally living the life you’ve wanted. Without chronic pain holding you back.

Let’s chat and see how you can make this happen!

And who is this fearless leader you ask

Dr. Anna Esparham, MD is triple board-certified in integrative medicine, acupuncture, and pediatrics with certifications in clinical hypnosis and aromatherapy! And, of course, her years of experience in headaches, pain and women’s health!

Not only is she a doctor, but she has also been there as a patient and healed a dozen times over from multiple chronic pain syndromes, autoimmune disease, women’s health issues, and more! Now, she wants to help you heal and recover from chronic autoimmune disease and pain that has been holding you back.

Schedule a free call with me